Neymar reflects on 3 years at PSG: “I think I am living my best moment at PSG right now.”
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Neymar reflects on 3 years at PSG: “I think I am living my best moment at PSG right now.”

Speaking to PSG’s official website, Neymar reflected on 3 years at the French capital club.

“These three years have come with a lot of learning. I have had moments of joy and more difficult moments, especially when I was unable to play because of injuries. With the help of my team-mates, I was able to overcome them and concentrate on what really matters for everyone, our performance on the pitch and how that translates into titles. Our supporters, the club and each fan can see the performances of our team in any match. I think that today I am living through my best moments at PSG. We have formed a family in front of the biggest aim we have. We want to leave a mark on this season with the Champions’ League. We are fighting for that, because we have never been closer to it.”

On adapting to the style of play in France:

The adjustments are made match after match. This is a type of football where the marking is very intense, with young, talent and fast players. My strength is dribbling to stretch the defender and to help my teammates score a goal. That is how I like to play.

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