Kurt Angle On What He Considers To Be The Most Brutal Match of His Career
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Kurt Angle On What He Considers To Be The Most Brutal Match of His Career

Kurt Angle recently did a Facebook Q&A where he answered questions from fans. Some highlights are below.
On which wrestlers he enjoyed watching the most: “I really focused on Flair, Hart, Austin, Rock, HHH, Michaels, and Taker. I learned a lot from these guys. I wish I could have wrestled Bret, but we missed each other by a couple of years.”
On being impressed with Chad Gable: “I love Chad. If there’s anybody in WWE that deserves a good run, it’s Chad. He impressed me. Great kid.”
On which match in his career made him think it couldn’t be topped: “Angle vs Benoit 2003 WWE Championship match at Royal Rumble. If you’ve never seen it, watch it. I’m very proud of this match.”
On how long it took him to heal after his match with Shane McMahon at King of the Ring: “I would say two weeks. My tailbone took a lot longer to heal but the rest of me was ok in two weeks. It was the most brutal match I’ve ever been in.”Click Here: cheap newcastle knights jersey